Wednesday, May 27, 2009

you gotta love the man!

ok, i seriously have THE coolest husband in the entire world. after today, i realized that i love him more than ever before, which was already as much as i thought one could love another. here's why: this morning i woke up and came straight to the computer to check my email. open & waiting for me was the following craiglist post. er, posted by none other than the leerod, himself:

Save my marriage and I’ll throw in a bike rack - $60

In an attempt to save my marriage, I am selling this bike rack. How can a bike rack be the cause of so much heartache and contention, you ask? I will answer your question with a question – have you ever had a bike rack taking up a sizeable chunk of your 900sf apartment’s “dining room?”

The dimensions are as follows: 00x00x00. The last number is the important one, because that’s the one that determines how deep into the “dining room” this contraption will intrude. You may ask, “why put it in the ‘dining room’ and not the living room, the bedroom, or better yet, the garage?” I will answer your question with a question – how many 900sf apartments do you know of that come with a useable garage for your own? (If there is such a thing, please post it here on Craigslist, as I may need to find a place to stay if I’m not able to rid myself of this infernal thing.)

This is one versatile hunk of metal. Don’t feel compelled to only keep bicycles on it, (although it can house four full-size bikes comfortably). From laundry to garden hoses, two-by-fours to hoagies, this rack will be your second best friend…just don’t let it oust your significant other from your “friendship top spot” or you may be reposting it sooner than you can get it through the front door of your (assumedly) larger apartment and/or house with garage.

Email me, or call me at 801-691-4778 with questions and or benevolent offers to purchase soon. Wish me luck!

seriously, this thing is huge. notice how it is literally touching the side of the stove. yes, it was a touchy subject in our household at one point.

this was posted early this morning and by the afternoon he had received an email saying "i'll come pick it up today". we were super stoked, obviously. yes! $60 in our pocket! (or if you're lee, "$60 to go toward credit card debt!! yippee!") so the guy came tonight around nine. as lee carried it out to him, the guy said, "i liked your post. i wasn't even in the market for a bike rack. the title of your ad just caught my eye." ahhhh, i laughed so hard when he told me that. he's definitely perfect for the advertising industry.

i am married to an absolute genius.


Megan Michael said...

That is the lee we know and love. Hilarious! Congrats on getting rid of the "infernal thing"!

Unknown said...

An ADVERTISING genius, maybe? Seriously, I told Leee he was welcome to store it AND the bikes in my garage if it was ever in danger of ruining the marriage. Guess he'd rather have the $60.

Jimmy and I are going to the bike auction tonight. Tell Leee to come with the $60 so he can buy a new bike. said...

VERY cute! And I agree he's a genius. :)
I'm so glad you decided to keep your blog updated, it helps with the missing you.

Jimmy said...

You really do have to love him, that's a great ad. I should have him list things for me on craigslist (if he can get anything for the treadmill, he can keep it all). I'm going to miss serving with him in the EQ Pres.