Saturday, October 3, 2009

it's that dreadful time of year again...

and by "dreadful time of year", i, of course, mean general conference. now, i don't find conference dreadful. i enjoy it. i look forward to it. when i'm done watching, i am usually feeling motivated to be better, try harder, sin less, and repent more. usually. my children, however, DREAD conference. case in point: the girls were getting ready for bed this evening and london decided to lay out her outfit. for church.
i told her, "tomorrow is conference. we're not going to church."
"oh. yeah." was her reply. then she proceeded with, "i hate conference. it's stupid."
"well, yeah it will be stupid, if you have that kind of attitude." i said.
then she continues, "please let it be canceled. please let it be canceled. please."
"why would they cancel it? it's conference."
she responds with, "well, you know. if someone...died. like....pressssideeeent monnnnson."
"so you want someone to die so you don't have to watch conference?"
"no! i didn't say that. i just want it to be canceled."

did i do something wrong here? we are not the kind of parents who expect our children to sit for 4 hours of the day, listening to our prophet & apostles speak. i do, however, expect them to do something fairly quiet so we may listen/watch. if they think four hours on sunday is bad, what about the saturday session?? they'd probably off someone themselves if they knew it existed. but lucky for them,(and me) i don't even think i knew there was a saturday session or that people paid much attention to it anyway, growing up. so we are usually busy on conference saturdays. take today for example: lee and i house-hunted all day. :)lee attended the priesthood sesh. i took the kids to carl's jr. for some ultimate fun.

oh well. what do you do.