Tuesday, June 16, 2009

week 2

so it has been 15 days since lee left for utah and things have been going better than expected. yeah, i still call him at least 3 times a day, the housework doesn't really ever get finished, i haven't even startEd packing for the move, and london told a friend that her dad was dead. but honestly, we're really doing fine!

last week we kept busy- i graced target with my presence 3 different times, visited a few parks, went swimming at our place, & set up lots of playdates.

just yesterday, monday, i went to babies 'r us, sam's club, the grocery store called "rainbow"-weird, i know, and the park. it was busy and that's just how i like it. i can't sit around my house because then i feel like i should be doing all these chores instead of sitting and i mean, who wants to do that when you can go out and run errands, i.e. spend money?? ignorance truly is bliss.

on the agenda for the remainder of the week-
*playgroup at the park
*friend's birthday party
*meeting at church
*children's museum
*playdate for london
*visiting teaching
*another playgroup at another park
*girls goIng to our friend's housE for the entire day!!!!!!!!!!

with all of this going on, you must be wondering where atticus fits in, right? well, he is such a dream baby that i have no choice but to bring him along with me on all of our adventures. i mean, he has been the easiest baby EVER. as long as he is fed and changed, you could stick daggers in his eyes and he'd still be cheery. i talk to lee about having more children since atticus has been so wonderful and all he can say is, "why ruin a good thing?". he has a point but really, who's been doing most of the parenting lately?



Geysapeeler@comcast.net said...

I love reading you blog, you're so funny, o.k I'm not trying to be offensive, I mean witty. :)
Did you already fin d place to move back too in Utah?
I can't wait to see you and the kids!

Megan Michael said...

Happy that your back on the www. Missed you! Sounds like you are doing great! Have fun visiting teaching and sticking daggers in his eyes.

tarynn said...

Reasons to move to Rose Park...
1. Tarynn and her family live there. (obviously the #1 reason)
2. The Jordan River Pkway- great for running, biking, etc
3. cute 50's houses- you might be able to live out the 50s housewife dream after all.
4. lots of old people- they keep an eye on your house for you while you're gone- I seriously LOVE that
5. the lowest crime rate in SLC- who would've thought!
6. You'll be the best dressed at church (that's weird I know, but true)
7. Your kids just might pick up a 2nd language
8. The schools SUCK, but you can carpool with your cousin to one of the coolest schools ever just in the nearby Aves neighborhood.
9. Convenience! close to I15 and I215 and you always end up driving against traffic... ahh- heaven!
10. 3 min from Gateway (yes, i realize there's no Nordstrom there, but downtown will be done b4 you know it!
11. Downtown renovations- it's going to be awesome!
12. affordability- you may still be able to afford that 10-yr anniversary trip
13. good sized yards for the kiddums
14 because I want you to and you don't want to let me down, now do you?
(seriously, come over, go on a drive and scope out the hood anytime!)