Thursday, October 22, 2009

my addy

this boy melts my heart.

he will be turning one in about six weeks & i can't even believe it! where did the time go? it makes me so sad because i really enjoy the baby stage. with him being my third, however, i have definitely tried to slow down and enjoy every little milestone. he has been the greatest baby. ever. sorry, daughters o' mine, but he is not high maintenance. at all.

here are a few of my favorite things about atticus:

1. he is always happy. except for when he is tired. naturally.
2. he looooooves his sisters. his face lights up when they walk into the room. my greatest joy has probably been seeing my children interact with each other.
3. he's got rhythm. he dances, yeah yeah, old news. but turn on some hip hop and this kid starts bobbing his head with the best of them.
4. he's got a bit of a gap between his upper middle teeth, which i adore.
5. his ears are a bit on the floppy/pokey-outy side. i like to fold them in, which probably doesn't help. take notice:

6. he flips out when he sees animals. loves them. his hands start turning really fast. he does this when he is excited or wants something. such as his bottle.
7. whenever i ask him to say "dada" he pauses then says "gagagagagagaga". lee and i swear he does this on purpose to bug us. which isn't out of the ordinary, considering who his father is.
8. this might sound a wee bit strange but when you change his diaper and have to put on the diaper rash cream he just sits there. completely still. like the world has stopped. and so should he.
9. when i get him up from his naps, be gets the gigantic grin and just rests his little head on my shoulder. and we cuddle. awwwwww.
10. if you ask him, "play bonk?", then he starts to head-butt you-it's our family's little game he started. he waves, he claps, and says, "ca" for cat. he's also starting to say "caca" (for something gross). he's so stinkin' sweet.

and that is why i love atticus. he has such a special spirit about him. i could have 5 more just like him.